Kazandıran Nisan Kampanyası

The Observatory in Islam

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Genellikle 17-18 gün içinde temin edilir.
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Aydin Sayılı, who was involved in all branches of history of science, was mainly concentrated on the field of astronomy since his studentship years and with his The Observatory in Islam and Its Place in the General History of the Observatory work published in 1960, he presented a masterpiece. This book, which demonstrates the significance of astronomy in Islamic Civilization, is also an essential reference book for studies in astronomy and histor of science. Written in English and was also translated to other languages, the book was not only published in Turkey, but also in the US and Kuwait. This work in your hands is the fourth book published by our institution in the series "Aydin Sayılı Kulliyati" ("Aydin Sayılı Collection"). Sayili`

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Aydin Sayılı, who was involved in all branches of history of science, was mainly concentrated on the field of astronomy since his studentship years and with his The Observatory in Islam and Its Place in the General History of the Observatory work published in 1960, he presented a masterpiece. This book, which demonstrates the significance of astronomy in Islamic Civilization, is also an essential reference book for studies in astronomy and histor of science. Written in English and was also translated to other languages, the book was not only published in Turkey, but also in the US and Kuwait. This work in your hands is the fourth book published by our institution in the series "Aydin Sayılı Kulliyati" ("Aydin Sayılı Collection"). Sayili`s other works named Atatiirk ve Bilim, Hayatta En Hakiki Miir it Ilimdir and Kopernik ve Anitsal Yapiti were also published in this series by our institution.

Bilim tarihinin bütün dallarıyla ilgilenen Aydın Sayılı, öğrencilik yıllarından itibaren özellik` astronomi alanında yoğunlaşmış ve 1960 yılında yayımladığı The Observatory in Islam And lts Place in The General History of The Observatory adlı eseri ile bir başyapıt ortaya koymuştur. Astronominin İslam uygarlığındaki yerini ve önemini gösteren bu kitap, aynı zamanda astronomi ve bilim tarihi çalışmalarında sıkça başvurulan temel kaynaklardan biridir. Ingilizce hazırlanan ve diğer dillere de çevrilen bu çalışma sadece Türkiye`de değil, ABD ve Kuveyt gibi başka ülkelerde de yayımlanmıştır. Elinizdeki eser Kurumumuzun yayımladığı "Aydın Sayılı Külliyatı" dizisinin dördüncü kitabıdır. Sayılı`nın Atatürk ve Bilim, Hayatta En Hakiki Mürşit ilimdir ve Kopernik ve Masal Yapıtı adlı eserleri de aynı dizide yayımlanmıştır.

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